: { "workflowIdentifier": "EB751F13-7101-4C97-A035-7E6159B4D3AD",
"workflowName": "Spoonacular - Get Random Recipes",
"isSelf": false
[1 recipe as Dictionary.title] ([4 Rounded Number] [3 Dictionary Value as Dictionary.unit] )
8 Get Dictionary Value for [Repeat Item] in [1 recipe] »
9 Repeat[2] with Each in [8 Dictionary Value]
10 Get Dictionary Value for original in [Repeat Item 2]
11 End Repeat[2] with Each
{ "title": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.title] ",
"ingredients": "[12 ingredients] ",
"instructions": "[16 instructions] ",
"readyInMinutes": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.readyInMinutes] ",
"servings": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.servings] ",
"mask": "ellipseMask",
"backgroundImage": "none",
"imageUrl": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.image] ",
"source": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.creditsText] "
: { "workflowIdentifier": "1051DCF7-AC37-4CBE-8B93-DE0207D7E832",
"workflowName": "Spoonacular Food - Get Recipe Card",
"isSelf": false
{ "type": "[0 🥙 Recipe Of The Day] ",
"spoonacularSourceUrl": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.spoonacularSourceUrl] ",
"recipeName": "[1 recipe as Dictionary.title] "
{ "title": "[0 🥙 Recipe Of The Day] ",
"body": "[5 Text] ",
"imageSource": "[18 recipeCardURL] ",
"actionShortcutInput": "[19 Dictionary] "
: { "workflowIdentifier": "2852E533-A8D3-461A-901C-0A4532842788",
"workflowName": "_Build Rich Notification",
"isSelf": false